Camp Sherman Historical Society
History Preservation
Many people are aware of the beauty of the Metolius River and Camp Sherman area, but few understand the history and culture of the area or the protections in place for the Metolius River. The recording of additional oral histories and, ultimately, the video on the more recent history of the Metolius River and the surrounding area, will offer the school students and residents of the area, visitors to the area, and those that admire the area from afar, each an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of the history, protections and cultural heritage of the area.
In 2005, CSHS began its effort to record oral histories of some of the very old timers to preserve the history of the area. The initial histories were recorded with assistance from members of the Journalism department at University of Oregon. Additional histories were recorded in 2006, 2007 and 2008. Many of the people whose histories have been recorded are no longer with us, so we’re happy to have captured their voices.
This collection of oral histories was the first part of a two-part effort intended to culminate in the editing and combining of key stories to create a 40-50 minute documentary on the history of Camp Sherman. The end result was Finding This Place, An Early History of Camp Sherman. And along the way, a shorter video Selected Short Stories from Camp Sherman was created.
Finding This Place, An Early History of Camp Sherman (70 minutes), was completed in
2015 with grants from the Roundhouse Foundation. It tells the story of Camp
Sherman up to the late 1960s.
Selected Short Stories from Camp Sherman (30 minutes), completed for the summer
Ice Cream Social in 2013. The short film includes stories by Bill Miller, Tom Smith,
Judy Erwin, Rena Lowry, Mary Smith, Becky and Betsy Johnson, Irwin Holzman, B.
Mary Inkster and Shirley Shulstad. It was made possible with grants from The
Roundhouse Foundation and Jefferson County Cultural Coalition.
Toni Foster, The Legacy (approximately 40 minutes) was created in to memorialize
the life of Toni Foster the long-time schoolteacher and leader in Camp Sherman.